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Seddonendo, Practice Limited to Endodontics


General Information

Patient and Dentist Testimonials,

Fantastic service very efficient and professional...put me at easy straight away. I would highly recommend %uD83D%uDC4C


Heather T

Highly Recommend

Thank you very much indeed to you and your excellent dental nurse/wife for my recent root canal filling. It was pain free by the end of the next day and looks an expert, neat job. The process was unbelievably comfortable and reassuring. It was good to have the short updates of how the procedure was going and what you were doing.

Sarah H

To Jaana and Bill Thank you so much for everything. I was in severe discomfort for months and just kept putting it off as I was terrified to go ahead with the procedure. From the first introduction call Jaana showed her expertise and made me feel at ease about coming for the procedure. Upon arrival receptionist staff were brilliant and I felt comfortable at the practice. Jaana then come and collected me from the waiting area. The room is brilliant with music and a very comfortable bed - I could’ve easily fallen asleep. Before the procedure everything was explained and an xray was performed. During the procedure including the numbing Jaana and Bill made me feel totally relaxed. They spoke through the whole thing explaining what they were doing, how it was going etc. I was in no discomfort at all. I was expecting a little pain after or the next day but had absolutely nothing! My mouth feels like brand new and I can drink cold water without hurting. Outstanding service by fantastic professionals. Thank you so much to both of you!

Lily S

Bill Seddon did an excellent job on my dental work.


My recent root canal was pain free,Big thank you to Bill for excellent job he has done on my tooth. His dental nurse made me feel relax and at ease.


Excellent Job

Had an emergency appointment as I was in severe pain. The dentist removed two silver points from my root canal which had been there for years. Apparently this is extremely difficult to do and am very grateful I had such an experienced dentist who was able to remove them. Would highly recommend!


Highly Recommend

Good morning.

Dull one here [the morning].
I work from home these days and it seems that the wider world doesn't care that I took the afternoon off  yesterday, and so I returned to a backlog of demands waiting on my virtual welcome mat.
My mouth was numb but my fingers still functioned so I apologise for this late response.
I shouldn't be surprised, of course, but I was wrong footed by the care and attention I received for the short time I was with you.
Mr Seddon will not need any further acknowledgement of his skills and dexterity at this stage of the game, but I was happy to become another tick in the box.
By that I am not suggesting for a second that I felt anything other than the most important person in the land for the duration.
It was,I gather[I know] a challenge  but seemingly, another success.
My grateful thanks also to the lady in pink [apologies for not taking her name] for her warm welcome, re-assurance and for enduring my banal observations.
That I was given an appointment so soon after the referral will probably remain the fastest on record and unlikely to be surpassed, even more so given that I was offered an opportunity  a full day before.
I had justifiable reason  to hesitate before agreeing to go ahead but when I left I had no doubt that it was the right thing to do.
With Europe on fire, who needs a holiday.
Yan S

Dear Jaana and Bill,

Thank you so much for everything. My whole experience with you both was honestly amazing, starting with Jaana’s initial phone call which made me feel completely confident in going ahead with my treatment right the way through to the treatment itself, she was so caring and lovely. I had no real idea about the treatment itself, only horror stories from years before so I decided the head in sand approach was best. I was a little concerned about pain but that was mostly because I had a long drive afterwards, but you were both right, there was a absolutely no pain! It was even tempting to fall asleep during the procedure as it’s rare for me to spend an hour or so with nothing to do! I was worried about what it would be like once the anesthetic wore off but there was nothing, no pain at all and it’s the same this morning.
Today I am all smiley with my newly levelled tooth and am so glad that it’s all fixed and behind me, my next move is for nice unstained teeth to undo years of peaty Scottish water and I promise to never neglect my teeth again!
Thank you both hugely,
Whole experience honestly amazing

Dear Bill 


Thank you very much indeed to you and your excellent dental nurse/wife for my recent root canal filling. It was pain free by the end of the next day and looks an expert, neat job. The process was unbelievably comfortable and reassuring. It was good to have the short updates of how the procedure was going and what you were doing.


Sara H


Unbelievably comfortable and reassuring


I Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for making me feel safe on my visit, and an extra big thankyou to Bill for the excellent job he has done on my tooth. Although i was prepared with boxes of paracetemols and ibuprofen, I had absolutely no pain after the procedure, 


Excellent job, absolutely no pain

What can i say.. If Carlsberg did dental surgeons! When you hear you need root canal work you hear the horror stories you hear the pain and trauma people have gone through all i can say is they didnt go to this man. Professional , calming and informative. You are at ease during the treatment wit reassuring words from him and his nurse.If you like skiing hes good at that too ! thank you so much i cant recommend you enough

Jane Currie

Just a quick update so sorry i dint realise the lovely nurse was your wife ! What an amazing team you are

Jane Currie

I am THE most nervous of dental patients having had an unpleasant experience many years ago (not with Mr Seddons may I just add), so was in quite a state when I was told I needed root canal treatment. In fact it took me 2 weeks to pluck up the courage to call in to make the appointment! However, from the moment I first placed that call to the Seddonendo team, my fears were managed with empathy and understanding. My whole expereince from start to finish has been exceptional and I cannot recommend Mr Seddon and his lovely wife Jaana highly enough. I literally did not experience one second of discomfort and the care I have received has been without doubt more than I could ever have imagined or wished for. I am very happy to speak to other nervous patients if this would in any way help with their fears and get them the very best in root canal treatment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for my overall experience. I would never be fearful of this again.

Vikki R


Colleague Bill is the most knowledgeable Endodontist I know. He’s treated me so that says everything you need to know!


From a long term referring dentist / patient

Dear Bill,
Greatly appreciate the work done today. Im in no pain at all. On a flight to Estonia in 4 hours filming ********* latest film. See you next time I need route canal. Gladly recomend you to others.
Today's root canal treatment

As a Dental profesional I had the pleasure of observing Dr Bill Seddon work and I have to admit that it was the best skills that I had ever come across to see combined with most comfortable environment for patient. Thank you so much for letting me see your work, much appreciated.


Bill and Jaana did a great job of my root canal work. it was quick and painless and I haven't had a twinge since. Unlike the first and more local point of referral, they were able to treat me the next day, rather the after 4 weeks offered elswhere.

David W

You can click on this link to leave us a Google Review.  Or you can use the Quick Code we have in the practice.

How to leave a Google Review

Bill's practice is first class. I'm not a fan of having dentistry work, but who is! But Bill & his wife out me at ease for my first root canal. I'd heard horror stories about the procedure but he made it seem straight forward. The chair is very comfortable and the absence of arms meant that I was more relaxed, unable to hold the arms! The treatment was sensibly priced & very competitive.

Rachel H

The treatment was sensibly priced & very competitive.

Colleague Bill is the most knowledgeable Endodontist I know. He’s treated me so that says everything you need to know!

From a long time referring dentist

Very professional treatment, calmed all my nerves & no pain whatsoever. Would 100% recommend.


Superlative care, very satisfied,  no pain

From patient feedback form

Thanks for a really excellent Hands on Day for the Rodericks FD recently.  The feedback was excellent and everybody felt they benefited from individual coaching with you. Thanks for such an inspirational day with such a practical focus.  Phil and the Rodericks FD's

Inspirational Day

I wonder how many endodontists would take the time and interest to to an endo-restorative Bioclear Hands -on Course?   David Clark - Founder Bioclear , Tacoma Washington USA.

Very Pretty

Travelled from South Lincolnshire for root canal treatment and the discomfort I felt was nothing to the pain I had tolerated for months prior to treatment.


Roy H

Travelled from South Lincs


I imagine I’m not alone in finding visits to the dentist can be a cause for concern. So upon learning that I need some root canal work I was quite nervous and wasn’t looking forward to the treatment one bit. However I’m pleased to report that there was nothing to worry about. Bill Seddon’s calm and efficient manner helped me to relax and the use of a dental dam and other specialist equipment made the whole treatment far more comfortable than I had imagined possible.

Angela R

Pleased to report there was nothing to worry about


Could you please pass my thanks on to Mr Seddon and his lovely wife. I had some root canal work done yesterday and today is my first pain free day for a month. Many thanks.

Helen C

Root canal done yesterday, today is first pain free day for a month


After an accident on stage, the practice saw me at such short notice and from the first moment I was made to feel welcome, safe and in good hands. I needed root canal treatment and cannot believe how painless and stress free the treatment was. In my years of dental work I dreaded the phrase open wide for fear of pain and anxiety but under the charm and care of the team at Seddonendo I feel lucky to have come here and learned it need not be a stressful experience. Root canal- and I never felt a thing. A huge thank you to you all. Mr Seddon is an artist and lovely human being. I told him my treatment "bordered on pleasurable!" Not bad for what could be a nightmare. Thank you all

David G

my treatment bordered on pleasurable

The testimonials speak volumes for the  dental clinic. However, as I have just experienced dental treatment at this clinic I wish to sing the praises of the members of the team that have made my visits so bearable – Bill and Jaana Seddon,    They are exceptionally skilled professionals with a fantastic passion for their work.

At every point in the journey I’ve felt reassured and informed of the next step.  This exceptional dentist has done a great job.

Catherine B

Exceptionally skilled professionals

Many thanks for the endo day. It was just brilliant and just what I needed to update. Having spent thousands of £ £s on attending Cosmetic courses in the USA and Canada, I'd always found the North American lecturers inspiring and I leave the lectures wanting to start carrying out dentistry on the Monday. I have found VERY FEW British lectures to be of the same calibre and are usually boring and I don't learn anything. Yours today definitely rates among the North Americans. Can't wait to do my next endo. 

Chris T

Can't wait to do my next endo

Thank you for fitting me in so promptly, on ******'s referral, on Monday and for easing my discomfort so readily and in such luxuriant splendour.

I'm immensely more comfortable!

Stuart C

Luxuriant Splendour

 Also many thanks to Bill and Jaana for all the work they put into making the day so successful. I came away from yesterday feeling a renewed enthusiasm for endo. I shall be searching along those developmental lines for the MB2s and even DB2s; perhaps they will not be as elusive as they have been in the past.

Sue A

Successful Day

Few presenters are so keen to show why treatments might not go quite to plan. Not so this one. The sheer depth of his expertise was evident and given without the slightest condescension.

Alastair F

It was an example of education at it's best - a practitioner at the top of their game educating, encouraging and inspiring the rest of us to improve our skills and practice. And all in a really friendly atmosphere.

Fantastic - thanks to all concerned.

Craig R

Fantastic - thanks to all concerned.